Quan Yin Speaks to YOU

Oh my! I really know why so many people steer clear of Owl medicine. Not because it’s bad; it’s just plain POWERFUL. Only navigable by those truly called to fly with Her.

Thank God:dess this week I had the opportunity to channel the Conscious Evolutionary voice of the Goddess of Compassion this past Friday with one of my favorite authors, and dear sister, Penny Slinger, on Human Spirit Radio.

This is the second round of teachings on the 13 Sacred Feminine Faces of the Goddess I offer in the Goddess Emerging Living Wisdom School. Last year, I channeled some of the vast teachings for each of these Goddesses. This new round is about dropping into a sacred ceremony together, feeding the Holy frequency of the Goddess, and birthing her through us. Then, sharing the wisdom that comes through.

Here’s a link to this powerful show Episode #157

violet flame lotus

Here are the pieces of wisdom that came through as I rode on the powerful waves of this merciful Goddess of Compassion.

*Compassion is INWARD & OUTWARD: We must offer ourselves compassion in balance with what we offer to others. Be fully engaged in self-healing AND being of service to the evolution of all.

*Everyone born in this time is a Boddhisatva, here to serve the conscious evolution and healing of all our relations.

*The true nature of Compassion will not allow ignorance of the needs and limitations of the self. That is an old martyrdom story and is not a balanced or sustainable way of being in service.

*Tears of release are the food for the Holy, and lubrication for the birth canal as we birth ourselves as the Goddess of Compassion.

*There are no more ceremonies needed to atone for past wrongdoings. The only rituals needed are for helping the human consciousness to come into alignment with what already is. All is forgiven.

I hope this message from Quan Yin is half as profound for you as it has been for me. Okay, that’s not true. I hope you get the full powered impact of the whole deal! It’s magnificent, and you not only deserve it, it’s already yours! So enjoy!

And if you know anyone who’s beating him or herself up over something they feel bad about, pass the love forward and spread the love!

It is likely that the Living Wisdom School is full, but I am creating a very small waiting list for last minute shuffling of the cosmic deck. If you are ready to be a Priestess and be the Creatrix of your SuperSTAR life, connect with me NOW. The magic carpet is about to take off and YOUR PASS IS HERE.

Until next week, may the SOURCE be with you!


_AfroDite with foot

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