Are you starving the Holy?
Hey Beauti-full!
Have you been withholding your brilliance because you’re afraid it’s “not good enough?”
Way too many of us SuperPowered women (and men) on the path of service are withholding our most delicious offerings to the Holy and the rest of the world because we compare what we are putting out there to others. We keep those beautiful – even if slightly lop-sided or ragged on the edges – gifts to ourselves, afraid that they won’t be appreciated, or even worse, criticized and mocked.
We believe it because, quite frankly, it’s happened in the past, right?
Well, I have a little spark of inspiration and an invitation that my help you to get over your fear, quit holding on to those precious and much needed gifts and start sharing them with the world.
Here’s this week’s Goddess Emerging tip for activating your Sacred SuperPowers.
In this past month’s Living Wisdom School: Goddess of Compassion Ceremony, this theme came up so strongly. We’ve ALL held back our gifts at some point in our lives because we’ve believed they weren’t good enough.
The truth is that there is NOTHING ANY OF US COULD EVER OFFER THE HOLY THAT WOULD REPAY ALL WE RECEIVE. But the even bigger and better truth is that THE HOLY DOESN’T WANT US TO GET OUT OF DEBT TO HIM/HER/THEM, AND THE HOLY DOESN’T WANT YOUR PERFECTION. The Holy wants your sweat, blood and tear-stained offerings that are vulnerable, torn, full of your grief and your humanity. That is one of the strongest teachings that was inspired by my teacher, Martin Prechtel. Fail beautifully. As long as you are making that offering to feed something beyond your own personal survival and agenda, and even if the human reflections who witness that offering don’t know how to honor it properly, it is delicious food for the Holy. In fact, having the courage to make that offering out of love and devotion when you’re certain that it’s not shiny enough, big enough, beautiful enough . . . makes it all that more delicious.
I have the very first scarf knitted by my dear old friend, Amber. She gave it to me and said “You’re the only one I know who would love this.” It looked like a crooked and warped road, and you know what? She was right! I’ve had it for more than 15 years and it’s my favorite scarf still.
This whole theme reminds me of the story of the cracked pot. Click here to get this beautiful story.
So, as Leonard Cohen so beautifully put it:
Forget your Perfect Offering.
Ring the Bells that still can Ring.
There is a Crack in Everything.
That’s how the Light gets In.
That’s how the Light gets In.
I invite you to take a risk. Quit holding back your gifts! Don’t make those offerings for kudos or ego-stroking; make them for the Universe, all that gives us Life, the Holy, and see how good it feels to know your most humble and earnest gifts, no matter how imperfect, are deliciousness to Those who see through Divine lenses.
Let me know how it goes by responding to the email!
If you’re interested in adding to or re-activating your Sacred SuperPowers and you’re in the Bay Area, California on April 13th, you’re invited to come to my workshop: Priestess Reiki I: Using Mudras & Anointing Oils for Healing. Sign up Now. Space is limited and filling up fast.
Did you like today’s transmission? Consider showing the love by taking 30 seconds to “Like” my page on Facebook HERE.
And keep that eye out for my upcoming journey: Sexual Bliss Through Good Housekeeping – A 101 Guide & Class for Emerging Priestesses Who Want to Turn Their Old School OCD into Ecstasy (aka: putting the Joy and SEXstacY back into Temple Keeping).

Unknown Artist: From Rebelle Society Blog
Until next week, may you embrace your cracks, and may the SOURCE be with you!
xo & <3