Sexual Bliss 101
Hey SuperSTAR! So, what the heck IS Sexual Bliss Through Good Housekeeping, anyway? I’ve been spending the past 15 years trying to really crystallize it into a format that I can share with others, but here’s the most basic nugget of wisdom I can share . . . It’s about tuning into the Zen-like flow…
Read MoreMy issues with LOVE
Hey SuperSTAR! Are you like me? Someone who has learned how to be independent, sovereign and able to function really well as a soloist? But also finding that maybe that BIG L hasn’t made it’s way to you despite your loving nature? I’ve got some big tips on how to stay HEALTHY, SOVEREIGN AND CALL…
Read MoreLove as your greatest weapon
Hey SuperSTAR! Are you feeling the immense weight of what’s happening in the world? Do you feel overwhelmed with grief, worry and hopelessness at times? Me too! What can we do about it? It may feel like nothing, but that’s just not true. You can do A LOT! Catch this week’s inspiration for transforming your…
Read MoreLove Magic
Hey SuperSTAR! Are you in the market for more love? Single and hoping to find “the one?” Or maybe you have a relationship, but the love that once flowed freely is a little trickle that could use a booster? Yes? Then this week’s Goddess Diary is for YOU! Any journey one takes starts with the…
Read MoreTrade in the F Bomb for a Love Bomb
Do you drop the F bomb like a hot potato? Would you like to put even MORE POWER into your words? I have a little download this week about shifting your mood (and the mood of everyone around you) by making one simple shift in your language. It’s directly from the expressive mouth of the…
Read MoreConfessions from the Dork Side
Hey SuperSTAR! Are you a reformed dork like me (I’ve actually reclaimed my inner dork)? You know who you are. You used to make sure you sat at the front of class so you didn’t miss anything and your Trapper Keeper was full of notes you took in class because you actually wanted to remember…
Read MoreGoddess Mash-Up
Hey SuperSTAR! Are you like me? Someone who LOVES hearing old songs mixed in with new ones? Or really awesome remixes of old classics? How about when you taste a classic recipe with a new twist? It’s so great, right? Something that strikes a familiar cord and yet invites in something fresh and new. How…
Read More#1 Magic Killer
Hey SuperSTAR! Do you often find yourself disappointed in people and experiences? This week’s Goddess Diary entry will help you to drop the disappointment and step into the magic. CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEK’S INSPIRATION Most of us take great comfort in being able to predict outcomes. It’s some sort of gauge of our sanity,…
Read MorePlant Medicine Magic
Hey SuperSTAR! We’ve already talked about cultivating relationships with Nature: plants, animals and the elements. But sometimes we forget that Nature is in our everyday lives, even when we’re not outdoors among the trees. What about what you put in your body to feel good? Whether it’s an aspirin, tea, flower essences, supplements, tinctures, prescriptions…
Read MoreSexual Sovereignty
What were the values and ideas about sexuality that were practiced in your home? For me, it was one simple phrase that covered sex, drugs & rock-n-roll: “Just say ‘NO!’” And I did . . . for a while. But when I finally decided to step outside the lines of expectation, there was a whole…
Read MoreBe-Loved from the Inside Out
Hey SuperSTAR! Whether you are on the quest for your Beloved or are in a relationship that isn’t fully rocking your world, this weekly Goddess Diary inspiration is for you! There are all sorts of methods for “calling in the One,” and what I have to share will be helpful, AND it may also be…
Read MoreBig Medicine + Big Answers
Hey SuperStar! Have you ever had a big question or something that was weighing heavy on your heart and you knew you needed help, but you just weren’t sure where to turn for answers and relief? I certainly have. In fact, recently my heart was heavy and even though I have several really close friends…
Read MoreGet out of Jailousy FREE
Hey SuperSTAR! If you are a human being, there is no way you are unfamiliar with the intense pains that jealousy can bring up. Today I’m going to offer some insight and tips for breaking out of the jailhouse of jealousy once and for all. CLICK HERE TO GET OUT OF JAILOUSY FREE. http://youtu.be/UePOL_mrCCI First…
Read MoreGot Lube? Making Transitions Gentler
Hey SuperSTAR! As I have dedicated myself to sharing with you my biggest and best insights into having more joy and magic, especially during tough times, I’ve come to realize that the most important times to focus energy on are the transition points. Imagine this scenario. You are in a burning building and you HAVE…
Read MorePlaying Etch-A-Sketch with Kali Ma?
Hey SuperStar! Have you ever had just a complete Etch-A-Sketch moment? By that, I mean a time when it feels like the Powers That Be have taken your life and shaken it up until there’s nothing but a blank slate left. Today I’m going to share with you an intense story of how Kali Ma…
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