Miracle Manifestation MasteryMind for Sacred Rebels

Get personalized support from world-class masters & start manifesting miracles!

Valued at over $3333

Just $108/month x 9 months

2 x 90 min monthly Zoom calls*** with a limited group (just 13 people max) for 9 months of Miracle Manifestation Mastery!

+ BONUS 1: Special Invitations to VIP Circles & Gatherings! +

+ BONUS 2: One pass to attend an in-person ceremony with us! +

  • You'll receive a live, channeled transmission each call from Amanda Elo'Esh to help you manifest miracles in your relationships, money, business, and personal health.
  • You'll get Yogi Ramadin's Manifesting Mindfully practices, insights and tips to help you ground in the mystical wisdom for more tangible results.
  • You'll be in a small, intimate group of just 13 people (max).
  • You'll also be able to ask questions and get personalized "hot seat" mentoring!

                                  ***Calls will be recorded and provided to the group and you can submit questions to participate if you can't make it live.

                                                                                                  ***Multiple call times will be made available for you to enjoy maximum live participation.