That’s what people say when they get some time with Amanda Elo'Esh. From celebrities, influencers, and shamans to armored skeptics, the one thing they all have in common is expressing, "Amanda, you're the REAL DEAL!"
Bringing Sacred Back

Amanda Elo'Esh Johnsen, MA

Experienced Medicine Guide
Amanda has guided over 1000 people in over 200 transformational ceremonies, including sacred medicine in the Amazon and the Greater Bay Area of California as well as worldwide.
She's studied and initiated with Shipibo & Mestizo Ayahuasquero traditions, Tz'utujil Mayan Shamanism, and Medicine Path Native American red road teachings .
She weaves indigenous wisdom, sacred feminine mysteries, and integrative human psychology to provide unprecedented and masterful healing containers for community and private medicine retreats.

Double Master's Degree
Counseling Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy, 2008 – California Institute of Integral Studies

Double Baccaleaureate Degree
Honor’s Program Magna Cum Laude Psychology & Art, 1994 – Westminster College of Salt Lake City, Utah

International Speaker & Teacher

Initiation, Education & Experience
Master of Counseling Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) - 2008
Certified Integrative Healing Medicine Practitioner – 2008
Sacred Medicine Ministry - 2012
Shipibo Shamanism Initiation – 2015
Sacred Feminine Priestess Ordination – 2003
Reiki Master – 2008

World Class Teachers
- Don Jose Campos - Peruvian Ayahuasquero
- Martin Prechtel – Bolad’s Kitchen – 2011-2015
- George Gray Eagle - Medicine Path NAC
- Fania Davis - Restorative Justice
- Barbara Marx Hubbard – Agents of Conscious Evolution – 2010
- Penny Slinger
- Suzanne Sterling
- Ariel Spilsbury
Amanda's teachers include elders & wisdom keepers from the Penobscot, Lokota, Hopi, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Newe, Maasai, Hindu, Pagan, Sufi, Shipibo, Mestizo, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Mayan & Hebrew traditions.
Amanda Elo'Esh has served over 1000 people in over 200 transformational/medicine ceremonies and has over 20 years experience as a priestess and ceremonial guide.
She has been given spiritual gifts that have been a comfort and great support throughout her life. She has been able to access "Source" wisdom, which helped her to participate in programs for gifted children, and given her secrets for healing her own emotional and physical traumas, as well as providing guidance through obstacles and suffering.
Amanda has been able to heal from physical birth defects, auto-immune deficiency, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, body dysmorphic disorder, an eating disorder, and suicidal thoughts, as well as depression and PTSD by tapping into the infinite wisdom available to you too.
Amanda recognized early on that, despite her many challenges, she also had great resources to cope with her human journey. She has been passionate about discovering the secrets to helping others like you to access your own unique and sacred relationship with everything that is greater than you that wishes you well.
She has applied her spiritual guidance as well as her academic experience in a lifelong commitment to bridge science and spirituality, and provide powerful, effective, and results-focused practices, healing ceremonies, and personal mentorship to help you tap into the unimaginable happiness that come from having a personal relationship with Source.
Her commitment is to help you to access your inalienable sovereignty, liberate yourself from subconscious programs, and to bring loving kindness, compassion, connection, and limitless joy to humanity as it awakens from the spells of colonialism and the mental disease of "power over," and destructive competition.
She is committed to being an ally and dismantling the internalized racism and other harmful programs that are creating darkness and divisiveness into our world today.

My passion is to help you rescure your inner light from trauma and become the true healer and leader you were born to be!
There's so much programming we encounter throughout our lives, passed down from caretakers, inherited by ancestors, and it's based in fear and survival. Usually what makes you unique and valuable was labeled as shameful, too much, too little, or not seen at all. The unresolvable pain from this goes into the subconscious to keep us in survival mode, but then your light doesn't shine, and so much goes into managing the depression and anxiety that come from not living your true purpose, it gets overwhelming. You either numb out (TV, food, substances, overworking) or break down. You don't need to wait until things fall apart. There is another way, and it doesn't need to be intense, painful, or messy.
Is all your time consumed in just getting by?
When you’re not living your purpose, all that hope, passion and joy start to fade away. You start to forget how powerful and magical you are. Every day you do the same routine, with no energy or vision for the bigger purpose your soul is aching to live. Your gifts feel heavy and a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness can arise. It’s easy to let the safety of a j.o.b. or the same old routines in your business keep you from your life’s purpose and to let the fear of the unknown stop you from breaking through and realizing your dreams, but when you have guaranteed mentorship and a solid plan, it can be exciting instead of paralyzing.

You’re not broken!
Ninety percent of what you do is ruled by your subconscious. That’s why, no matter what you do (classes, spiritual practices and workshops) the same old patterns and feelings of “stuckness” seem to never go away. You’re not broken! You just need someone who knows how to help you get down into the core where that 90% is hiding so you can make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your own life, and then make the BIG IMPACT in the lives of those you came here to serve.

For over 30 years,
I’ve studied, researched and transformed lives with my discoveries about the subconscious mind.
It can keep us stuck playing small, but it can also help us achieve our dreams and make miracles happen! I’ve had my master’s degree in Counseling Psychology since 2008. I founded the Living Wisdom School, and was invited to study and work intimately with Vice Presidential Candidate & Visionary, Barbara Marx Hubbard on her last book launch. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to over 20 countries as an international speaker, teacher & spiritual leader in places like Auroville, India and the Prana Festival in New Zealand. I was invited to serve as a shaman with a Shipibo tribe in the Amazon. I live at the gorgeous Center for Living Wisdom which has hosted world-class performers, teachers and healers such as John Densmore of The Doors, Mayan Shamans, and Tibetan Lamas.
But my life hasn’t always been full of magic and wonder.

On Summer Solstice 2000, I married the love of my life, but by 2001 it had started to fall apart. My dream became a nightmare as my beloved husband became addicted to methamphetamines. I watched him turn into someone I no longer recognized. He turned our home and my life into a toxic waste dump.
On Valentine’s Day 2002, I was in court fighting for a restraining order against the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. In the middle of this madness, a message came loud and clear. "This is not a punishment; this is your strength training course" because I was here to do something bigger, but was stuck in fear, self-doubt, and a core wound that told me I didn't deserve happiness.
I was letting fear run the show and it would always be one step ahead.
I had stepped away from my spiritual connection, believing it was only granted to me because of my Christian beliefs. I had just started doing yoga, meditating, and discovering a spiritual path that was free from dogma, and more aligned with my unique gifts, challenges, beliefs, and my soul's noble purpose (which I had yet to discover, but I could feel pulsing inside and aching to be expressed).
During this intense time of dissolving and transformation, I started to connect back in with the Source wisdom I once, mistakenly thought was only a gift I could access by being religious.
The Sacred Feminine came into my life and started to show Herself to me, to comfort me, and gave me guidance how to respond to the challenges I was facing. She let me know I was going to survive, and that I should pay attention to the practices I was implementing so I could help others to navigate their own challenges and emerge on the other side stronger, wiser, and better off for the experience.
Ever since then, I have been devoted to helping all who seek, to find their own inalienable access to Source wisdom, in whatever form it comes, so that we can all live free, sovereign, and empowered to be the light we so desperately need in the world.
I know you believe that “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Stop Waiting! Start living your full potential now! The world needs you to be in your full power, sharing your gifts, and shining your light!
Education, Experience and Initiation:
Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies with Certification in Integrative Medicine Guided Imagery from California Pacific Medicine General, The Institute for Health & Healing, and Marin Cancer Resource Center.
30 + years study and research of the subconscious mind, including teaching and speaking about her research all over the world, including Auroville, India, Prana Festival in New Zealand, Esalen, Google, and California Institute of Integral Studies. Founder of the Church of Living Wisdom, ordained priestess, minister for Medicine Path Native American Church (2012-2019), Master Shipibo Shaman and shamanic sound healer. 20 + years helping a wide range of clients heal from cancer, PTSD, grief & loss, career challenges, relationship challenges & loss, insomnia, chronic pain, and low self-esteem.
Over 15 years mentoring people one-on-one and in groups.
Author of "Unlock Your Success Code," and the "Go Ask Alice Oracle & Tea Party Game," co-author of “Holistic Fashionista Memoirs” & forthcoming author of “Sexual Bliss Through Good Housekeeping: The Extraordinary Woman’s Guide To Having It ALL!”.
Studied with: Barbara Marx Hubbard, Vice Presidential candidate, author and founder of Agents of Conscious Evolution. Martin Prechtel, author, speaker and teacher (Bolad’s Kitchen & Flowering Mountain). George Gray Eagle Bertlestein, Medicine man, spiritual leader and counselor (Medicine Path Native American Church). Ariel Spilsbury, founder of 13 Moon Mystery School & author of 13 Moon Oracle & Mayan Oracle. Tata Erick Gonzalez, Shaman and Wisdom Keeper (Earth People’s United).
In 2003, Amanda Elo’esh was ordained as a Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School and in 2012 she founded The Living Wisdom School, which became The Church of Living Wisdom in March, 2019. In 2010, Amanda completed the 9 Fires Mayan shamanic initiation with OmeAkaEhekatl Tat Erick Gonzalez, is initiated as a Master Shipibo Shaman and continues to deepen her relationship with the Earth and all that is Sacred through her regular participation as a member of and minister for the Medicine Path Native American Church, as Founder, President, and Visionary of the Church of Living Wisdom, and through her studies with Martin Prechtel in Bolad’s Kitchen.

Make sure you get your gift! Elevationship: Replace Conflict with Greater Intimacy