Make Your Next Event A Success with Amanda Elo'Esh

Amanda Elo’Esh has been invited to share her wisdom around the world including:
- Esalen
- California Institute of Integral Studies
- FEM Talks
- Auroville, India
- O.Z.O.R.A. Festival, Hungary
- Prana Festival, New Zealand
- Subconscious Healing with Altered States
- Safe & Sacred work with Entheogens
- Sacred Secrets of Healing with Psychedelics
- Unlock Your Success Code: 3 Top Reasons You’re Not Successful Yet
- The Secrets Of Manifestation
- 3 Treasures Hidden Inside Of Grief
Dark Feminine Secrets @ FEM Talks
Imagination and the Subconscious with Amanda Elo'esh on Soul Nectar Show with Kerri Hummingbird

Book Amanda Elo’Esh For Your Next Event: 415.717.2963 • amandaeloesh @
Amanda Elo’esh Johnsen, M.A. is San Francisco’s Leading Spiritual Success Mentor For Conscious Entrepreneurs, Building the world’s most heart-centered Sacred Community for Spiritually Connected Leaders who Want to Create a Purpose-Driven Life of Prosperity. She’s author of “Unlock Your Success Code ”& the “Go Ask Alice Oracle & Tea Party Game.” She’s an international speaker & teacher, educated & initiated as a Counseling Psychologist, Expressive Arts Therapist, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Ordained Priestess & Shamanic Healer. She’s shared her wisdom with thousands in over 20 countries, including Auroville India, the OZORA Festival in Hungary, the Prana Festival in New Zealand, California Institute for Integral Studies & Google. For over 35 years, she’s dedicated herself to research & study of the subconscious & its untapped & infinite potential. She is the founder of the Living Wisdom School, & Minister for Medicine Path Native American Church. She is an expert in helping Professionals who feel like they’re stuck under a glass ceiling & their gifts are going to waste. Amanda helps them to stop overworking, reach more people, make more money & finally make the difference they came here to make through Spiritual Awakening & Plant Medicine Ceremonies.

Interview with Paula Jessop: Unleash Your Wild Gypsy Soul (Click for High Definition Video)
FEM Talks Presentation: How To Take Fear By The Nuts & Show It Who’s Boss!

Make sure you get your gift! Elevationship: Replace Conflict with Greater Intimacy