Power of Your Intuition
That time I brought a didj to a drum circle
That time I brought a didgeridoo to a drum circle . . .
How helpful is your intuition? Does it lead you to consistent moments of unimaginable magic, or does it leave you “showing up to a gunfight with a knife?”
It was 2004, and I was at the Earthdance festival in Northern California. Like most of my festival experiences, I go into timelessness and have a hard time tracking schedules. I let myself go on full intuitive automatic and this year was no exception.
While I had quite a few friends, I had gone alone, and one particular morning, after meditation, felt inspired to wear all white and head out with my 10 pound glass, rainbow swirl didgeridoo I affectionately call the Rainbow Serpent. I wandered for a bit, taking in the beauty of the elemental shrine and the movement of the 5000 others in attendance.
I let my intuition guide me to the huge white dome where the Grandmother drum, which is seven feet in diameter and weighs 200 pounds, was kept. I had enjoyed the altering vibrations of this sacred heart beat, and thought I might add in some droning with my beautiful “Rainbow Serpent” didj, which was made for me by an incredible glass artist, Matt Welsh.
So I made my way, with my beautiful glass rainbow didgeridoo, but as I approached the dome, I saw that something was happening. A few priestess sisters who were a part of tending to the Grandmother Drum were also dressed in white and as I approached them, they looked at me and said “Perfect! You should come with us!” “Where?” I asked, and they said “To the drum circle!” Oh ya! Drum circle! But I had a didgeridoo, not a drum. Oh well. I trusted it would all work out.
That year, every attendee was loaned a drum and invited to be a part of Grateful Dead drummer, Mickey Hart’s world record drum circle. I had honestly forgotten about it and had not remembered to even get my drum. But it was too late to get one now, and I honestly didn’t have any ability to do anything other than wield my large and heavy glass didgeridoo.
All of the carriers and attendants for the Grandmother Drum were in white and I was invited to take the lead and blow my didj while the mammoth drum was ceremonially carried and played to the area where Mickey Hart would soon set his world record.
We slowly and mindfully made our way to the center of the crowd of over 3000, and I was told to stand next to a man I had never met before. He looked at me, looked at my didgeridoo and also said “Perfect!” I trusted that being the only person in this gathering without a drum was indeed perfect, but had no real clue why.
Within a few moments, someone was quieting the crowd and introducing Wavy Gravy to speak (someone I had never heard of before). I was a bit stunned when the man I had just connected with to my left started to speak to the crowd.
He talked about Mickey Hart, and the importance of community. He shared the mythology of the Rainbow Serpent, which is the giver of life. I realized that there was a huge rainbow serpent sand sculpture at our feet that had been beautifully created in a huge circle all around the Grandmother Drum, and I was at the head there with Wavy.
He announced that we were going to have a moment of silence and then there would be an offering to the Rainbow Serpent, and then Mickey Hart would lead us all to beat our drums as one, with our hearts, to send peace out to the Earth. When Wavy was done speaking, he looked over at me and without words let me know that was my cue. I wasn't expecting what came next, but knew instantly what I needed to do.
I placed the end of my didgeridoo at the head of the serpent and prayed that what would come out would be beautiful (I am pretty good at making some pretty realistic fart sounds a good percent of the time I start to play).
I raised the glass Rainbow Serpent to my mouth and trusted this was fully aligned and as I breathed from my heart, a beautiful hum came through and I played for a few moments and then Mickey started the drum circle, and all of us who were at the center in white (Wavy was in Rainbow colors) got to dance on the sand sculpture of this beautiful Rainbow Serpent, and return her to the Earth as an offering. I didg’d and danced and was in complete awe at the complete perfection at how it all unfolded.
When I woke up that morning, I had no idea that I would find myself playing a significant role in such a profound experience with such incredibly beautiful and influential folks.
I let my intuition guide me, and it led me to an experience I couldn’t have ever hoped for, let alone planned out.
When we are truly open and make ourselves available to be clear channels, we are capable of so much more than our limited minds could ever piece together.
When we are truly open and let the power of intuition guide us, we can find ourselves welcome and embraced, even when we bring a didgeridoo to a drum circle.
If you would like to deepen your connection with your intuition and strengthen your intuitive senses, let's talk! We have a free, no obligation discovery call to explore where you're stuck and ways to access more of your own intuitive power.
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