Why I said “No” to Dave Navarro: 3 Ways You’re Blocking Success

It was a beautiful Spring day at Esalen. I'd had a week of cultivating my 6-figure business, and had been basking in the healing waters and landscape of this world renown retreat center, offering my sound healing for a week-long workshop (Eileen Barker & Michael Gelbart: Path of Forgiveness). It was an epic time in my life.
Dave Navarro had been a part of this transformational week together and had given me repeated high praise for my sonic medicine, we'd done collages side-by-side, swapping silly stories . . . I felt like I was in a dream. But it wasn't a dream. It was my amazing life.
And then the moment came . . . Dave and I are sitting together for a musical performance and he asks me, "Would you be available to do a private ceremony with me?"
A world famous musician, whose music was a favorite for years, has just asked to become a private client and I said . . . "I'm really busy right now, I don't think I can."
Did I REALLY just tell Dave Navarro I was too busy for his business? Yes, I did.
WHY on earth did I say that?
Here's the nitty gritty on what possessed me to turn an opportunity of a lifetime . . . and the 3 things you may be doing that are keeping you from success:
1. You're uncomfortable with things being "too good."
When things are going great, you're looking for the rug to be pulled out from under you. You just know that your luck is about to change, so you can't let in what's being offered you in the moment. Truth is, no one's luck stays on the constant upswing. We have ups and downs, ins and outs. We win and we lose. BUT, if you are unable to truly relish what's right in front of you that's amazing because you are too afraid of losing it, the downs will come a lot sooner than necessary, and you'll miss out on the deliciousness of the feast laid out for you now.
I have had to do a LOT of work on my "not good enough" wounding to be able to actually allow in pleasure, golden opportunities, and goodness to my life. Dave's request tipped my happiness and prosperity scales to "TILT!" and I just couldn't let it in.
[I did later come back and apologize, and also asked permission to share about this experience, which Dave graciously and enthusiastically gave the thumbs up on.]
2. You're secretly afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Have you ever seen this graphic?
If you always stay within your comfort zone, it'll require a true intervention of supernatural forces to get you to the next level in your personal development.
I never want to disappoint anyone, but I realized a while back that if you never take a risk at helping someone (or yourself) achieve something phenomenal, you're never going to accomplish the phenomenal. Everyone I look up to has said at some point that they fail far more often than they succeed, and the only difference between those who succeed and those who do not is the commitment to get up after evert fall and try again.
Truth be told, I was afraid I just couldn't offer the world class care that someone like Dave Navarro would want. And he wouldn't have asked me if he didn't feel confident I COULD offer what he wanted.
3. You're not taking care of yourself.
Whenever things get slow in my flow of clients and aligned work, you are likely getting a gift from Source. YES! A GIFT!
Usually it is a signal that you need to drop deep into self care. Just before Dave Navarro told me my voice took him to the same place that DMT does, I had been working with that inner worrier that was telling me I was taking too much time in the pools ("You should go write a blog or newsletter or something!" it had been nagging at me).
I decided to push beyond the "Gotta work hard to deserve this amazing experience," and really dropped into deep self care. That evening, I was in a blissful, open place, and able to provide a sound healing experience that inspired sincere accolades from those I was serving.
If you help yourself to remember this by prioritizing your well-being, daring to step beyond the familiar, and expand your capacity to really revel in the moments of beauty as they arise, you'll open doorways of possibility that will lead to previously unimaginable success and happiness.
Your life is a sacred gift. Your gifts are precious. Your time and energy are valuable beyond measure.
Go ahead! Give it a shot, then tell me how it goes.
You may just be around the corner from a dream-come-true, and you don't want to make the same mistake I did. Take these words of wisdom to heart so you can let in all the magic just waiting to pour in for you.
And if you have already danced with these experiences, please share what you've learned along the way.
And as always, if you have any questions, I'm here for you.
May the Source be with you
amandaeloesh @ gmail.com