Sacred Sign Language of The Priestess
Hey SuperSTAR!
As The Living Wisdom School emerges from the Chrysalis Temple with the Sacred frequency of the Goddess of Compassion, I am reminded of the potency of one of the Goddess’s Power Tools: Mudra (it’s a yoga for the hands). I also like to refer to it as Sacred Sign Language for communication with the Holy.
My first practices, just out of a book (Healing Mudras by Sabrina Mesko), brought potent, quick and clear transformation into my life, and soon, I was getting powerful mudric flows (like intuitive Vinyasa Yoga) that brought big and positive shifts into the health of my body, mind and spirit. I thought it would be nice to share this simple and powerful practice with you and include some of my favorites.
Click here for the DL on some of my most effective, Secret Goddess Power Tools: MUDRAS
Just 3 minutes of 1 or more of these basic mudras can show obvious results within a week. If you’re sensitive, you’ll feel the shift in your energy flow (the nadis and meridians will re-wire and align with these beautiful sacred geometries instantly). If you’re new to energy flow, it may take a little longer and start to show up as reflections from the outside world: “You are so insightful and wise!” (That comment kept coming when I was using the “wisdom” mudra”).
Use the ones I love, and play around with them. You may discover something that brings you into perfect balance. You may discover a mudra that will awaken the amnesiac, somnambulist main stream! Give it a shot. Even if all you do is bring more presence and peace into your mind, body and emotional flow, it will have countless ripple effects in the lake of the Cosmos.
And if you’re in the Bay Area, California, you’re invited to come to my workshop:Priestess Reiki I: Using Mudras & Anointing Oils for Healing. Sign up Now. Space is limited.
If you have questions or comments, send them to me, and I will add them to future letters.
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And keep that eye out for my upcoming journey: Sexual Bliss Through Good Housekeeping – A 101 Guide & Class for Emerging Priestesses Who Want to Turn Their Old School OCD into Ecstasy (aka: putting the Joy and SEXstacY back into Temple Keeping).
Until next week, may the SOURCE be with you!
xo & <3