Step Away from the Mundane
Hey SuperSTAR *|FNAME|*!
Has this ever happened to you? Those waves of negativity that roll in and EVERYTHING SEEMS WRONG?
I’m a pretty die-hard optimist, with a strong faith that I am guided by sacred guardians and allies and, despite challenging times, I will always come out ahead, and then . . .
Something can come along (usually it’s a few things all at once) that triggers my biggest insecurities and BAM! All of a sudden, everything is WRONG. The story that runs for me is that I’ve just made too many mistakes for things to work out well for me. It’s all f*&k3d up and there’s no coming back.
Click here to find out what I do to pull myself out of the sh*t tsunami.
Fortunately, I’ve had priceless help from my work with the Sacred Feminine to show me how to navigate my way out of those waves quickly and without missing a beat.
For that, I am endlessly grateful, and now it brings me the greatest joy to show other amazing people how to blast through those negative attacks that say “See? I TOLD YOU you couldn’t do it.” or “You’re never going to get it right!” or “You’ve just f*&k3ed up too many times to have a good life.”
Having the BIG picture perspective of the Sacred Feminine allows me to step beyond my limited human perspectives and my old wounds that have taught me inaccurate lessons about the world. These Divine teachers give me the tools and wisdom to not let myself get held back by the bumps that can sometimes take a person down hard if they don’t have the resources to get back on their feet again.
These Holy Allies help me to see the gifts hiding inside the pain, the magic in the mundane, and the deeper meaning that is available but eludes those who don’t have the lenses to see it.
If you are tired of feeling like there’s got to be more to life than the boring old routine you’ve been doing for so long, or you hear a voice inside who just knows there are superpowers in there waiting to emerge, and you’re ready to surf those tsunami-sized waves of negativity that seem to catch all of us at some point, rather than getting pulled under, maybe you are ready for a journey with the Living Wisdom Mystery School.
My next course is starting SOON (October 4th), and there are still a few spaces left. Applications are due by September 30th and there are some scholarship and work trade positions still left and available on a first-come-first served basis, so don’t delay. Send in your contact form today.
Until next week, may you navigate the waves of negativity that come your way with grace & ease, and may the Source be with YOU!
x & o & <3