Speaking Grief

Hey SuperSTAR!

Apparently, the intensity is not letting up. Are you feeling it? EVERYONE I talk to is going through a hard time. There are LOTS of feelings: old, new, who knows from where, bubbling up right now. If you’ve been riding waves of emotion, you are DEFINITELY NOT ALONE!

It’s all over the place. It came bubbling up in me just yesterday, and what I did is the thing you’re not supposed to do. Check out this week’s Goddess Diary to see what happened.

As an optimist, a teacher, a counselor and spiritual leader, I feel like, while it is ESSENTIAL to embrace the full spectrum, it is also a tricky edge to vent grief.

Creating more negativity in the world is NOT on my “To Do” list. But acknowledging it and exploring WHAT to do with it when it comes on like a tsunami feels CRITICAL!

We all, no matter how faithful, joyful and resourced, get hit with those waves that can take us down. While it is important to be mindful of not attaching to these experiences and not reinforcing them with story, it can be helpful, even essential to say what is real. This is the edge every conscious person walks. We manifest our reality and our words are POTENT BUILDING BLOCKS for that reality.

So, how do we navigate grief? How do we stay human, with human feelings and honor our experience without getting lost in it?

I’m going to do another taboo here and say “I don’t f*&$ing know.” Not for sure. I think the most courageous thing a human can do, on a daily basis, is to allow that deep awareness and feeling of the grief to be metabolized and to be committed to turning it into love, compassion, grace, beauty. I am not sure, exactly, how to do that, but my prayer is to open myself to guidance so that I may give it a noble shot.

My guess is that being honest about our feelings. Acknowledging them, gives them that nudge they need to flow on out. Choosing things like art, poetry, dance, music, exercise, supportive conversations with friends are all helpful ways to create the alchemy of being a conscious human being.

If we could all make the hard choice to walk that uncomfortable edge of being a true human. Having feelings, being real with them, and choosing to metabolize them into beauty, we’d all be heroes and the world would know peace.

My challenge to you, this week, is to get real with your feelings and seek ways to let them flow that might add a little more beauty to the world.

If you would like inspiration and support in the sacred alchemy of turning grief into beauty, you may want, consider joining us for the Magic Carpet Ride of the Living Wisdom Mystery School. We are now opening the circle to Men & Women. The Sacred & Divine will show you your superpowers and unlock the secrets for rocking the bumps in life like a SuperStar. APPLY NOW.


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Isis Neith by Kris Johnson-Michiels

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Whew! We covered a LOT of territory today!
Until our paths cross again, may the Source be with you!

x & o & <3 amanda_signature

Amanda Pic

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